INES Cloud

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Manage parking and urban mobility with a single platform

Cities of all sizes share the growing difficulty of renewing their mobility processes in order to meet new urban planning needs, reduce costs, and increase revenues.


INES Cloud is the complete solution for the management and analysis of urban mobility. It supports the integration of existing hardware and software by making it possible to manage mobility services on a single platform. Additionally, with over 200 reports available, it provides all the necessary tools to fully define an effective picture of mobility. The centralization of all services through an intuitive interface increases the efficiency and transparency of the public mobility offer.

The integration of handheld devices makes it possible to check parking validity in real time and to aggregate all the different work flows: sanctions made by personnel are synchronized directly with INES Cloud while eliminating double data entry. Automated exports also make it possible to outsource the collection process.

INES Cloud allows for more in-depth knowledge about the city: with over 200 reports on revenues, the use of services, and violations, it is possible to achieve a detailed and comprehensive picture of urban mobility. Powerful analytical tools make it possible to aggregate all income streams in order to get a better overview of the different sales channels and payment instruments preferred by your citizens
APIs are easy to integrate and they allow you to connect INES Cloud to existing sensors or to use insights to increase your knowledge with the help of our sensors which can detect the occupation status of parking spots.

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