An innovative and efficient logistics system for Veronamercato

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Free-flow vehicle access to gain efficiency

19 January 2021 by Best Practices


In the agri-food sector, the speed and functionality of the supply chain (i.e. breaking down trade barriers, costs, and transport times) are crucial.
Veronamercato S.p.A. is among the European agri-food hubs most involved in international trade, with 96 operators and traffic (in 2016) of more than 180,000 tons of vegetables, fruit, and citrus fruits, as well as significant figures in the fish sector as well.
The strategic position on the international market and the increasing flows of goods and people make logistic innovation a permanent necessity.
The management of Veronamercato risked being compromised by the fragmentation of information and the difficulty in implementing intervention and improvement strategies.


Collaboration with Veronamercato for fast free-flow access control implements the strategies necessary for comprehensive and functional management.
Upon entry of a vehicle, the system is able to read and verify the user’s card data thanks to RFID tags, thus authorizing transit by opening the barrier in question. Simultaneously, an OCR camera reads the license plate and associates it with the card, allowing for sample checks. If the user does not have a card, 2 out of 9 entrance lanes are equipped with an operator for the payment and issuance of a QR code. Upon exiting, the three dedicated lanes are equipped with both a QRcode reader and RFID technology for card recognition.
Furthermore, the system also lays solid foundations and offers indispensable analytical tools for future developments. All data are collected and managed by INES Cloud, thanks to which Veronamercato is able to rely on:

  • centralized management of subscriptions, temporary permits, payment rates;
  • management of collections by ticket counter personnel, automated pay stations, the online portal, and a mobile app;
  • Application Programming Interface to integrate Third Party hardware and software;
  • reporting on financial data, field operations, ticket counter activities, and access logs
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