Municipality of Milan: digital payment of the TARI

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Milan’s residents can pay their Waste Tax quickly, through digital channels

20 January 2021 by Best Practices


Digital Transformation is changing the relationship between citizens and public bodies, reducing the distance and enabling a leaner and more efficient interaction between them.

Our company plays a key role in this change and has provided the Municipality of Milan with tools and procedures that ensure the effective management of TARI (Waste Tax) payments by citizens. This, while guaranteeing integration along the PagoPA channel (the payment node developed by AGID – Agency for Digital Italy).



The solution we provided for the Municipality of Milan adopts a digital payment system based on our proprietary platform, EngPay: a gateway that enables the management of payments to Public Administrations via the so-called Payments Node – SPC infrastructure.
The solution has been realized in accordance with the “Guidelines for making electronic payments to Public Administrations and public service managers”, defined by AGID (Agency for Digital Italy).

Our solution also makes it possible to save digital files associated with citizens to whom the payment notice was addressed, to download them again in case of loss and to store payment receipts.

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