Lucca: sustainable city logistics

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European project Life Aspire

11 January 2021 by Best Practices


Is it possible to make city logistics virtuous and sustainable in small and medium-sized historic centers? This is the example of Lucca, the Italian municipality leading – together with Zara and Stockholm – of the European project ‘Life Aspire’ of which Kiunsys / Municipia SpA is a technological partner. The goal is to ensure that freight transport is compatible with the historical and urban conformation of the city to improve the lives of citizens.


The innovative city logistics solution put in field provides first of all a reward system (points system) to identify and reward those who transport goods correctly in the center, thus encouraging those who still do not do so to improve their behavior in terms of impact on the surrounding environment. To this end, in addition to a platform for the analysis of mobility behaviors and the management of rewards, an access and exit control system from the LTZ with RFID sensors, a smart stalls system for loading / unloading, were implemented goods with LoRaWAN sensors and finally an electric cargo bike system.

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