Usage Terms and Conditions

Tempo di lettura: 6 minutes

  1. Introduction

Municipia S.p.A, with a registered office in, Tax Code and VAT number 01973900838 (hereinafter also referred to as the “Company” or “Municipia) provides its Services to those who request, by registering, the access on the website called Municipia (also the ” Web portal”). These general conditions of use of the Web  (hereinafter referred to as “Terms and Conditions of Usage”) constitute the set of rules and provisions governing access and usage of the Web portal. These Terms and Conditions of Usage are valid and effective towards any user, business or consumer who access and/or register on the Web Portal (collectively, “User” or “Users”).

  1. Object of the Agreement

Through the Web Portal, The Company offers Users, free of charge, participation in webinars, seminars, conferences, training courses with technical-scientific content (hereinafter, individually “Event” and collectively “Events”) ”), technical-commercial Municipia’s offer (hereinafter “Offer”) and the possibility of reviewing previous Events and to take advantage of the related technical material ..

  1. Registration

In order to use the Web portal, the User must provide the requested personal data Registration is therefore essential and without it, the User will not be able to access to Web Portal services, events registration, technical-commercial offers, etc.

To be able to register for Web Portal and other services, you must be over 18 years old and complete the appropriate procedure by providing current, complete, and accurate information as requested in the appropriate online registration form. By registering, the User guarantees that the personal data required for registration purposes, whose processing is regulated in our Privacy Policy, are correct and accurate.

The User acknowledges that he is solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his e-mail address and any access credentials. The User undertakes the obligation to immediately inform the Company of any loss or unauthorized use of its e-mail address and/or login credentials. The Company cannot be held responsible for any damages deriving from and/or connected to the failure to comply with this obligation.

Before completing the registration procedure, the User must accept these Terms and Conditions of Usage and read the Privacy Policy. (Both made available during the registration procedure, as well as in the specific sections of the Web portal) In the case of non-acceptance of the present Terms and Conditions of Usage, it will not be possible for the User to continue with the registration procedure and participate in the event.

The User declares to be aware that the Events organized by the Company (including any interaction, active or passive, of the User with the lecturers and/or other Users) will be subject to audio/video recording for the entire duration of the session. The User is also informed that, in order to participate in the Events, it is not mandatory to use the video recording systems installed on their personal devices (eg webcam) and that any activation and/or deactivation of the same is managed directly by the User.

In the event of a user’s violation of one or more terms of these Terms and Conditions of Usage, the Company has the right to prevent, at its sole discretion, the access to the Events and/or completion of any other action.

  1. Personal data processing

The participation and registration to the Web Portal results in the processing of the user’s personal data by the Company.

For detailed information on the purposes and means of the personal data processed by Municipia, please refer to the Privacy Policy provided at the time of registration and published on the Web Portal.


  1. Intellectual Property

User is not granted any transfer of intellectual property rights on the contents hosted on the Web portal by the Company as a mere content intermediary, with the exception of public domain information or the contents for which the User has been authorized in writing by third parties. In particular, (by way of example) it is forbidden, in whole or in part, for the Users to use, reproduce, copy, modify, publish, transmit, distribute, perform, display, download, license, insert into a database, use to create derivative works, transfer or sell anything that is the object of intellectual property owned by their respective owners.

Unless otherwise indicated, all information and materials accessible through the Web Portal, including but not limited to images, illustrations, graphics, photographs, videos, text, icons, designs and writings, and any other materials are copyrights, trademarks, distinctive signs or other intellectual property rights owned, controlled or authorized by their respective owners and are protected by copyright law.

It is forbidden to reproduce or transmit in any form or by any means, parts of texts or graphics from the Web portal without the written permission of its owner. Specifically, it is forbidden any electronic or mechanical reproduction or transmissions, such as photocopying, facsimile transmission, registration, re-adaptation or use of any storage and retrieval system of information. Each published document may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information relevant to that single document.

Municipia is the owner of the Web Portal as well as of the Municipia trademarks.

  1. Link to third party sites

The Web portal contains certain links to websites that allow the User to terminate his or her browsing on the Web portal and connect to other websites, pages and content of third parties. Municipia hosts such links as a mere convenience for the respective third parties and this mere hosting does not, in any case, imply Company’s approval of the content to which the referred links lead.

The User is aware that the Company: does not control, examine, verify, approve or respond to any material, content, service provided for, and/or offered by third parties, including those of their suppliers and sub-suppliers on their respective websites and the websites connected to them; does not provide any guarantees and is not responsible for such materials, contents, services; the User is the only solely responsible for the materials, contents and services to which he accesses through third-party websites.


  1. Duration – Unauthorized Use

The present Terms and conditions of Usage are valid and effective for an indefinite period of time.

The Company reserves the right to close the Web Portal, interrupt access and the usage of the Web portal and delete the data provided until the Portal is closed. The company may do so freely, without a need to provide any explanation, at any time and without any notice.

Without any prejudice to the right to terminate the present agreement in the cases prescribed by positive law or for the violation of these Terms and Conditions, the Company reserves the right to, at its sole discretion and without any notice, suspend or terminate, permanently or temporarily, access to and use of the Portal to the individual User, in the situation where the User: (a) does not provide or has not provided personal data that is up to date, complete, true, correct and legitimate; (b) engages in actions or behaviours that are illegal or, according to the opinion of Municipia, in a manner considered to be incompatible with the purpose of the Web portal and/or to the participation to the Events, (such as, but not limited to, transmission and / or exchange of computer viruses; sending or dissemination of advertising; chain mail or pyramid schemes; spamming or junk mailing; transmission and / or exchange and / or disclosure of illegal material or in any case of racist, libellous or defamatory, threatening, vulgar, obscene content); (c) violates or has violated these Terms and Conditions of Usage.

The Company will not be liable in any case to the User and third parties for the suspension/termination of the Web portal.


  1. Limitation of Liability

The User acknowledges and agrees that the organization and availability of Events by Municipia (i) do not constitute any advice or recommendation nor are they intended to induce the User to perform or refrain from performing any action or behaviour, (ii) are made on an “as available” basis and with the express exclusion of all warranties, conditions and representations (including, by way of example, accuracy and completeness of the Events and any content, information and materials made available). Subject to the mandatory limits of the law, Municipia shall have no liability to the User in the event of a disservice, delay, malfunction, suspension and/or interruption of the usage of the Events as well as in relation to facts, conduct and circumstances not attributable to Municipia itself (such as infringement of intellectual property rights of third parties, the accuracy of the information, malfunctioning of the connection equipment used by the User or incorrect usage of the Web portal by the User) or, in general, the occurrence of force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances.

The User undertakes an obligation to indemnify the Company and does not hold it liable at any situation, at its first and simple request and without any exception, from all claims, requests, actions, costs, expenses (including legal ones) or charges that derive from the User’s failure to comply with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions of Usage, without prejudice to rights for other available remedies available to Municipia pursuant to these Terms and Conditions of Usage and/or the applicable legislation, including the ones with the regulatory nature.


  1. Suspension and Interruption of Services

The Company reserves, without assuming any responsibility, the right to temporarily suspend the Services in case of congestion and/or overload of the system, as well as to guarantee ordinary and extraordinary maintenance. Where applicable and possible, The Company undertakes an obligation to inform the users about the planned temporary suspensions by means of a suitable notice on the Web portal.


  1. Applicable law and competent court

These Terms and Conditions of Usage are governed and must be exclusively interpreted according to Italian law. All disputes arising from these Terms and Conditions of Usage, including those relating to its validity, interpretation, enforcement and resolution, or in any case connected to them, will be in the jurisdiction of the competent Court of Trento.


  1. Updates of the General Conditions

The Company reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions of Usage at any time and to adapt them to supervening administrative, economic and/or technical-managerial needs and to the relevant changes in the applicable legislation, by notifying the User via Web portal publication.

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