Best Practices

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7 March 2022 by Best Practices

Rimini Chatbot: a Digital Assistant at the service of the citizen

Approach The innovation model followed in the implementation of the project is of the Open type as it has seen the use of design thinking methodologies for the design and testing of AI. A first phase of study, in collaboration with the experts, and an analysis of the recurring themes, was followed by the phase of elaboration of conversational flows. Before the chatbot was put into production, content checks were carried out with domain experts from the Municipality of Rimini and usability test cycles with end users. In this phase, the methodology indicated by the AGID guidelines for testing the usability of a web service was applied for the first […]

21 January 2021 by Best Practices

Digital Administration in Rome

Approach Our innovative solutions and technologies come together for Roma Capitale, the special authority entrusted with the sole and autonomous administration of the municipal area of the city of Rome, covering 1285.31 km². Managing these dimensions, in an urban context as complex as that of Rome, requires cutting-edge e-government tools capable of facilitating and supporting all of the administration’s activities. Our Municipia team accompanies the authority in its technological evolution and in the continuous improvement of its processes through different projects, contributing substantially to the streamlining, evolution and rationalization of workflows of the entire administrative machine that is municipal Rome. Among the various projects on which we collaborated with Roma [...]
21 January 2021 by Best Practices

Rome Capital of digital payment

Approach The Municipal administration has been a pioneer in offering digital services to its citizens since the early 2000s. A strategic activity that is more than ever relevant today, given the participation of Rome in the plan for innovation and in the Italian digital agenda, and considering the growing need for a modern, simple and multi-device interaction between citizens and public administration. Solution Our company is at the heart of this service, providing the technologies and skills needed to enable the digitalization of processes related to tax declarations and the digital payment of fees, contributions and fines of different types. All this was done by using various tools (Home Banking, [...]
21 January 2021 by Best Practices

T-Systems: Smart Parking in Germany

Approach Among the collaborations with multinational companies, we cannot fail to mention that which exists between Kiunsys, part of our group, that supports cities providing Smart Mobility solutions, and T-Systems, an ICT services multinational belonging to the Deutsche Telekom group, one of the leading IT companies in Europe. The goal of T-Systems was to create a 100% digital solution for managing the entire parking process, from searching for a parking space to booking and paying: Park and Joy, which is now available in some 50 German cities. Solution Engineering role was to provide Park and Joy's back-office and front-end enabling technological components. The back-office, based on INES Cloud, is responsible [...]
21 January 2021 by Best Practices

Lighting is going smart in Sicily

Approach Innovating cities to help lower their energy consumption, reduce pollution and free up economic resources, as well as providing the public and businesses with information and innovative services through mobile devices. These are just some of the goals of the projects developed by Municipia for local authorities, which are now giving increasing importance to energy efficiency policies. This commitment requires the installation of a set of physical components and advanced software applications to receive, monitor and manage all information remotely. In addition to building automation and construction safety, the scope of these projects includes improving the efficiency of street lighting, with a view to optimising costs and reducing energy [...]
21 January 2021 by Best Practices

Smart City: Virtual Urban Museum

Approach Each city has its own history, artistic treasures and traditions, which make it unique. These peculiarities can be fully understood by living in the city, but their value is difficult to convey to tourists observing it from the outside. Our experts had the possibility to work directly on this issue, supporting a well known Italian city to create tourist itineraries aimed at adding value to its historic center, its museums of international importance, its landscapes, nature, food and wine. Solution Our challenge was to enhance the resources of the city and make it even more attractive from a touristic point of view by digitally transforming it into an innovative [...]
21 January 2021 by Best Practices

Milano Metropolitana Safety Project

Approach Milano Metropolitana Safety Project is a multi-annual action plan entrusted to the concession holder (the temporary grouping of companies Safety21 SpA / Municipia SpA) following a European call for tenders. It is one of the largest EU Smart Cities integrated projects aimed at reducing accidents and protecting pedestrians and cyclists. One of the main purposes of the measures laid down in the Milano Metropolitana Safety Project is protecting the territory and the environment, as well as fighting against waste dumping, occurring frequently in rest areas along the highways. Solution To reach these objectives, a number of modern tools, smart apps and IoT apps for road monitoring are being implemented. [...]
20 January 2021 by Best Practices

Municipality of Milan: digital payment of the TARI

Approach Digital Transformation is changing the relationship between citizens and public bodies, reducing the distance and enabling a leaner and more efficient interaction between them. Our company plays a key role in this change and has provided the Municipality of Milan with tools and procedures that ensure the effective management of TARI (Waste Tax) payments by citizens. This, while guaranteeing integration along the PagoPA channel (the payment node developed by AGID - Agency for Digital Italy).   Solution The solution we provided for the Municipality of Milan adopts a digital payment system based on our proprietary platform, EngPay: a gateway that enables the management of payments to Public Administrations via [...]
20 January 2021 by Best Practices

Business support, Bologna focuses on data analysis

Approach The Municipality of Bologna has invested in innovative technologies to enable rapid evaluations of economic developments and the impact generated by specific events, first and foremost the Covid-19 pandemic, in order to provide an adequate response for local businesses as quickly as possible.   Solution The project consists of an interactive platform which makes data from InfoCamere, the Regional Labour Agency and the Municipal Administration available online, allowing them to be analysed for better management of the services offered to the businesses and professionals operating locally. The system paves the way for a full electronic file dedicated to every local business to be prepared in the future.
20 January 2021 by Best Practices

Participated budget: new technologies giving a voice to citizens of Bologna

Approach Bologna has a long-standing tradition of civic activism and over the past 15 years the city has developed a wide range of initiatives, actions and policies aimed at involving citizens in co-planning activities for the development of the city. The aim is to create a positive impact on the social, economic, cultural and environmental spheres. The digital transformation of the Municipality of Bologna has been able to further facilitate this participatory process and our company has played a key role in enabling this transition.   Solution Through Municipia, an Engineering Group company, we managed the participatory process related to the definition of the Participated Budget of Bologna's Office of [...]
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