Cookie Policy

Tempo di lettura: 11 minutes

This Cookie Policy is an integral part of the Privacy Police available here.

What are cookies?

Cookies are little text files that websites visited by a user record on your computer or mobile device and which are then retransmitted to those same sites on the user’s next visit.

Thanks to cookies, a website can remember a user’s actions and preference (for example, login data, their chosen language, font size, other display settings, etc.) so that they do not need be chosen again the next time the user visits this website again or one of its other pages.

Find out more by reading the cookies section of the Data Protection Authority’s website.

What cookies does the website use?

Session cookies, preferences cookies and other third-party cookies or analytics tools.

  • Session cookies, also known as “technical navigation cookies, are cookies that are strictly necessary for the operation of the website or to let it use the content and services requested.
  • Preferences cookies, also known as “functionality cookies”, are used to activate a certain Website feature and a series of selected criteria (such as the user’s language of choice) in order to improve the services provided.
  • Other third-party cookies or analytics tools are cookies from websites or servers other than Municipia Spa that are used for the purposes of these third parties. These cookies (e.g. Google Analytics), which are not vital to the functioning of the website, enables processes such as statistical monitoring and traffic data analysis in order to keep track of user behaviour. Please note that these third parties, listed below with links to their privacy policies, usually act as independent data controllers of the data collected through the cookies that they send. You will therefore need to refer to the personal data processing policies, declarations and consent forms (selection and de-selection of cookies) of these third parties.

All cookies can be deselected apart from third-party cookies, for which you will have to directly refer to relevant (de)selection procedures for these cookies as specified in the following link: chrome://settings/cookies

What cookies are present on the website?

Municipia Spa’s own session cookies. The data collected does not allow for the personal identification of the user as this data is anonymised.

Below is a detailed list of the cookies sent by Municipia Spa through its website:

Tipo di cookie e proprietario Nome tecnico dei cookies Funzionamento e finalità Tempo di persistenza
Municipia Technical cookie PHPSESSID Session identifier Session
Municipia Technical cookie pll_language Website language selection Session
Municipia Technical cookie wfwaf-authcookie-* Website protection function 12 hours
Municipia Technical cookie wordpress_test_cookie WordPress functionality to check if the browser is enabled for the use of cookies 14 days
Municipia Technical cookie wordpress_logged_in_*
Authenticated User Storage Session
Municipia Technical cookie wp-settings-*
Website administrators interface customisation 7 days
Municipia Technical/Analytics cookies _pk_ses.* Visitor session 30 minutes
Municipia Technical/Analytics cookies _pk_id.* Visitor identifier 13 months

The data collected does not permit the identification of users and is not crosschecked with other information relating to the same individual. The data is processed in aggregate form and anonymised (truncated to the last octet).

Cookies settings

Any session and preferences cookies can be blocked. However, not authorising certain cookies may prevent you from using the website.

You can (partially or fully) block or delete session and preferences cookies via specific features in your browser. However, we have to inform you that not authorising session cookies may make it impossible for you to access the website, view its content and use its services. Prohibiting preferences cookies may result in some services or certain features of the website not being available or not functioning properly and you may have to change or manually enter information or preference every time you visit the website.

The choices made regarding cookies will also be recorded via a special cookie. However, this cookie may not function correctly under certain circumstances: in this case, we recommended deleting any unwanted cookies and also preventing their use in your browser’s settings

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