Rimini Chatbot: a Digital Assistant at the service of the citizen

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To support citizen services offered by the Municipality of Rimini and the Riminiturismo portal.

7 March 2022 by Best Practices


The innovation model followed in the implementation of the project is of the Open type as it has seen the use of design thinking methodologies for the design and testing of AI. A first phase of study, in collaboration with the experts, and an analysis of the recurring themes, was followed by the phase of elaboration of conversational flows.

Before the chatbot was put into production, content checks were carried out with domain experts from the Municipality of Rimini and usability test cycles with end users. In this phase, the methodology indicated by the AGID guidelines for testing the usability of a web service was applied for the first time in Italy on a conversational assistant, involving citizens in the test and verification of the usability of the chatbot.


The solution involves the integration of a Digital Assistant within the institutional page of the Municipality of Rimini and the Riminiturismo page. The main functionality implemented is the orientation and information support to the user for the immediate and direct resolution of their information needs on all public and tourist services managed by the municipal administration.

Through conversational interfaces in natural language, the system interprets the needs expressed and always guarantees a response.

The Artificial Intelligence technologies involved in the project are Machine Learning and Deep Learning for training AI with the application of NLP for understanding human language. The aim is to refine the AI so that it is able to answer an increasing number of user questions.

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