Smart City: Virtual Urban Museum

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Our project shows how our innovative virtual technologies mark the frontier for enhancement of the historical and cultural heritage of cities

21 January 2021 by Best Practices


Each city has its own history, artistic treasures and traditions, which make it unique. These peculiarities can be fully understood by living in the city, but their value is difficult to convey to tourists observing it from the outside.

Our experts had the possibility to work directly on this issue, supporting a well known Italian city to create tourist itineraries aimed at adding value to its historic center, its museums of international importance, its landscapes, nature, food and wine.


Our challenge was to enhance the resources of the city and make it even more attractive from a touristic point of view by digitally transforming it into an innovative Smart City. We used our technological expertise in the cultural and tourism sector to create a unique virtual museum experience, amplifying the emotional impact on visitors.

The project makes the enhancement of the resources possible through virtual and sound technologies, areas in which we have considerable experience, and which make a visit to the city unique and unforgettable. Such technologies include Augmented Reality, video walls, projections, 3D holograms, Virtual Reality stations, 3D viewers, etc.

An impactful change, which led to a necessary reconfiguration of mobility management and urban accessibility.

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